At my Dad's there still exists Beau (a ginger colored male tabby who has more nights out on the town than yours truly and with a firey personality) and Kali (also known as Kali O'Malley and my Dad's feline princess...like he buys her favorite meat when he goes to the deli as much as he may deny it, it is the truth). Last but not least there is Paris (another stunning Golden Retriever who they are fostering for a breeder...Paris story is really a journey about a dog who is learning to be a dog after way to much time spent confind to a cage...she has to provide the breeder with one more litter and than she will be "fixed" and allowed the life she should have been since day one that of a pampered house pet)
The three that currently hold that place that only a pet can fill in my heart right now are of the feline variety; Safari, Storm and Snug. Only Snug is mine the other two are my nephews who are currently residing with me temporarily. I grew up with Safari he came into my life a couple of years before Co-co had to be euthanized in fact when we first got him he terrorized Co-co smacking him in the nose and swatting at his feet from under the bed. They eventually grew to love one another and Safari picked up some traits from Co-co (he will "knock" on a door when he wants in a closed off room, he will sit if you show him a treat my Mom used to call him a "catdog"). Storm or as he is often called Stormy or Worm came a few years after Safari and by that time Co-co was already in an eternal slumber. Storm is the only cat I know who eats for the pleasure of eating and not just as a survival instinct (and he is a he and not a SHE..) this puts him on a pudgy but very happy and friendly side of life. He is also capable of holding conversations and announces himself when he walks into a room or responds when you call his name. Snug is my rescue project a former coworker found him at the tender age of five to six months shivering in a rainstorm trying his darndest to get into a friend of their's apartment window. I will always remember the morning I got that call; originally I agreed to take him until they found his forever home. The first time I laid my eyes on him and he jumped (not even lying there) into my arms, snuggled into me and looked up at me with those sad little eyes I knew he had found his forever home with me. I named him the following morning after he spent all evening cuddled into me and trying to nestle himself in even closer to me.
Today I live with the three brats (ahhh cats) in a one bedroom apartment and despite all my joking about ending up an old cat lady; there is worse company to be in than that of my three furry comrades. Sure they can be annoying when they wake me up to feed them in the morning or when they use my bed as a wrestling mat in the early morning and yes I do not like them very much when I am cleaning their litter (aka digging for sh*t in a miniature sandbox)...I am beginning to really not like them where was I going with this?....oh right...yeah despite all their crap I love the little furry beasts...
As you can see as long as I am breathing there will be a place in my heart for those with feathers, fur, paws, beaks and scales (I also have a fish aquariam)...
It's awesome being surrounded by pets. If I wasn't living in an apartment you can guarantee I'd have at least another two dogs :)
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about people who love animals - it takes a lot of time and commitment to own an animal - especially one as high maintenance as a dog. Animal lovers are dedicated & all around awesome people :)