Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I've Only Just Started...

You must admit freedom of the media has it's good and bad side; bad side we are continually flooded with news over the recent engagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton. I think it is fantastic they wish to marry but really? can we use the media for more important information. The good side of freedom of media is that people like me with absolutly no journalism training and at times appaling spelling, typing and grammer can become published authors.

So why have a blog?....

For many reasons really;

I enjoy writing in a diary I keep and looking back on enteries and seeing where my mind was at certain points in my life.

I also think it is important to leave something behind and what is more permanent than the written word.

As well I enjoy reading other blogs that friends and facemates (the term I give to facebook colleagues) have written .

Although, I am not putting all my faith in technology and will continue to keep a diary of the pen to paper form.

*please note: most names will be changed to protect the innocent and not so innocent parties.

1 comment:

  1. I am copying the term FACEMATE.

    Welcome to Blogging!
